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In a world defined by accelerating change, great businesses never stop reinventing themselves. And great brands are powerful change agents that enable companies to capitalize on evolving global dynamics, cultural trends and market disruption…

In a world defined by accelerating change, great businesses never stop reinventing themselves. And great brands are powerful change agents that enable companies to capitalize on evolving global dynamics, cultural trends and market disruption. Enduring success requires resilient, flexible, visionary leaders who embrace change and thrive on transformation.

DeSantis Breindel partners with these visionary leaders to transform brands into powerful competitive assets that keep firms ahead of their competitors; front, center, and relevant with their clients; connected to their employees; and uniquely positioned to flourish in a world that never stops changing.

DeSantis Breindel is a B2B branding and marketing firm based in New York. Our team is made up of strategists, writers, designers, marketers, filmmakers, information architects and programmers. Since 2002, we have partnered with companies facing critical inflection points to help them leverage the power of branding and marketing to emerge stronger than before.

- Research and measurement
- Brand strategy
- Design
- Digital
- Advertising

- Financial services
- Technology
- Professional Services
- Healthcare


Facing a rising tide of market disruptors, Verifone needed a cohesive and consistent brand platform that could communicate a powerful value proposition to the world's top merchants, banks and resellers.

While competitors focused on the features and functionality of their products, research revealed that customers were more interested in how payments technology could help them grow their business. Verifone and a unique advantage: the knowledge and problem-solving strength of its people, who had long been a trusted resource to the world's largest retailers and financial institutions. The new brand is built on the ability of Verifone's engineers and product developers to transform payments technology from a cost of doing business to a driver of growth and profitability.

The new brand was launched through a globally synchronized marketing campaign and employee engagement program. In the first year, the new brand contributed to a double-digit increase in market cap and energized Verifone's worldwide sales force. Customers increasingly view the experts at Verifone as long-term, collaborative partners in navigating the future of commerce.

30 West 21st Street 8th Floor
New York, NY 10010
United States
(212) 994-7680

DeSantis Breindel

Contact DeSantis Breindel
Main Focus:
Full-Service Creative
Also specializes in:
Branded Content
Financial Services
Website Creation


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