75 - and still young... if you want to qualify as an antique, you need to be 100. Way too young for historical value in many cultures-Egyptian temples are 6,000 years old. But in the world of publishing it is a true milestone. Few publications are still publishing under their original name, serving the same market in the same format, for 75 years.
The history of Advertising Age can only be truly given by Rance Crain, who does so in this special section on Page 22. Addressing changing market needs has been a key part of that 75-year history, and in my more recent history of 9 years with Advertising Age I have seen that leadership and growth through the introduction of:
* AdAge.com with over 170,000 registered users.
* AdAge.com news alerts.
* AdAge.com daily news e-mail each with more than 96,000 subscribers.
* AdAge.com Hispanic news alert with more than 14,000 subscribers.
* Paid electronic newsletters including Madison & Vine.
* AdCritic.com, which comes from our Creativity Magazine group-an Ad Age spinoff publication first published 19 years ago.
* Ad Age events including Madison & Vine, Entertainment Marketers of the Year, AdWatch, Women to Watch, Media Mavens.
* Books such as Advertising Age's Encyclopedia of Advertising, Scott Donaton's "Madison & Vine" and Bob Garfield's "And Now A Few Words From Me."
And the year leading up to our 75th has been a busy one-we purchased American Demographics, launched the monthly magazine Point and introduced the full digital edition of Ad Age so you may now read it online on Sunday.
So in 75 years, some things about Advertising Age are old and steadfast, and many things are new. But the Advertising Age brand has always served the marketing, advertising and media community... reporting on it, serving it with data and information, connecting the business, and helping it grow.
We expect Ad Age will continue to do so for the next 75 years because of you and those to follow as readers, advertisers, users of our information and participants in our events. I sincerely thank you for your support, years of commitment and trust in Advertising Age-past, present and future. And while I am thanking people, thanks also to the entire Ad Age staff for the enormous effort they put into this special issue.
Moving forward we will certainly see more changes in our industry that will be exciting for us to report on, and analyze the implications to you and your business-not to mention the implications to ours. Advertising Age will continue to lead the way in these new trends not only in identifying and reporting on them but also being involved as we figure out the implications to new products for the Ad Age brand in this exciting and ever-changing world of advertising.
Thank you for being with us for this history, and more importantly in helping us shape the future of advertising and Advertising Age.