As a reader of Ad Age , you're likely familiar with the concept of food styling. But what about the average consumer?
She may not know that food advertising has to use the actual food advertised. She may not know that an entire staff of people armed with lights, spritzers, hair dryers, knives and cameras can really tart up a tart. Or a quarter pounder with cheese.
What she does know is that the hamburger she is handed at the store rarely resembles the hamburger featured in print ads and on menus and she would like to know why. Hope Bagozzi, director of marketing of McDonald's Canada, is confronted with just such a consumer in the following video clip. Instead of hemming and hawing, Bagozzi takes a camera crew along for a ride to show the difference between an actual McDonald's burger and a McDonald's burger that appears in its ads.
If only someone could have shown this video to William Foster.
(Via BuzzFeed)