You're a London ad agency executive and you get to tag along on a trip to Nokialand in Espoo, Finland for the latest brief in a $120 million global ad agency search: What else are you going to do but blog about it?
Welcome to Optimism is a Wieden & Kennedy blog about life inside the London venue and gosh darnit if they don't make the brief seem like a jovial afternoon's tea. Sure, W&K may have taken the meeting alongside BBH, DDB, JWT, Mother, and "a WPP combo team billed as Bates/Grey/ Y&R/RKCR" (if that name isn't a sign of the future, I don't know what is), but the photos and commentary make it look more like a boys' school field trip than a cut-throat competition.
With a "tasty lunch of local delicacies like reindeer and cloudberries" and "vodka and cranberry cocktails" before hitting the flight back home, I'm thinking I want in. Nothing makes me feel more warm and fuzzy than a bunch of agency execs and creatives all getting along...
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Wieden + Kennedy's Field Trip To Nokialand
Agency Makes Nice With Everyone Except Reindeer
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