Now that the pressure is really on media departments to show that their investments in high-priced TV ad time pay off, agencies like The Media Edge, a division of Young & Rubicam, are arming their buyers with more than just antacids. Teaming up with Greenfield Online, TME recently conducted a two-week Internet survey of TV viewers to gauge their impressions of the new programming and the probability of the shows' future success. Such information, TME executives say, will prove useful in predicting a show's future ratings and in placing advertisers in the right make-good slot. Already, the fall poll of 4,100 people over the age of 16 has produced some interesting findings. The programs respondents said they would "definitely view again": dramas took four of the top five slots. Alternatively, four of the five lowest-ranked shows were sitcoms. Perhaps not surprisingly, WWF Smackdown made both lists. TME plans to conduct another viewer survey next fall.
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