Agency: Booth Bay Creative, Phoenixville, Pa. Campaign name: “Zombie War Survival Toolkit” Launch date: May 2013 Why we liked it: Any time you get a mailing from the Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Agency (ZAPA), you'd better pay close attention: Your life could be on the line. The mailing consisted of a flash drive with a personalized video instructing IT targets on how to survive the Zombie Apocalypse. A few days later, recipients got a second package containing a camouflage backpack survival kit, including zombie survival necessities and a top-secret envelope with zombie-themed cloud availability or IT disaster recovery information. Also enclosed was a letter indicating recipients would be getting a follow-up call in the coming days to debrief them on their role in the mission. This is the kind of multidimensional campaign with limitless shelf life that can create plenty of viral chatter.