BtoB: What advice do you give to marketers who are building a content strategy for webinar programs? Mark Bornstein: I advise marketers to think about the buying cycle, to think about the content that they have and to try to figure out strategies that address each stage of the cycle. It starts with thought leadership that drives your demand-generation programs. Webinars are great tools for thought leadership because you have an interactive way to reach out to a lot of people. You then have solutions-focused content as well. As people are moving down the funnel, based on the information that you learn about them in a webinar, you want to get them to the next step. Maybe the next step is a series of webcasts focused around solutions that you offer. The science is in learning what the right (next) offer is for that prospect. You want to build a library of content and have a number of delivery systems. You want to have webcasts and virtual events archived so that you're driving (prospects) through this purpose-built cycle that leads them to a sales engagement. The rise in mobility is driving on-demand viewing. Prospects are demanding that your content is always available. And you typically are promoting (virtual communications) to an international audience. Half of those people are not going to be able to take in an event at the same time. By having archived content, you can figure out what goes in each stage of the buying cycle. You can build customer journeys. Because of high levels of interactivity and engagement, you're able to quickly identify where (prospects) are in the buying cycle and put them onto a solution track to accelerate them. You direct them to the right webinar or other content and then drive them to a sales engagement. Thought leadership is the entry into the system. Once we learn more (about a prospect), we provide a channel of webinars that focus on pain point areas. We're able to figure out the next step.
Creating a content strategy for virtual events
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