Cambridge, Mass.—Only 8% of b-to-b companies surveyed by Forrester Research said they have tight alignment between sales and marketing, according to a new report.
The report, “B2B Sales and Marketing Alignment Starts With the Customer,” was based on an online survey of 66 b-to-b sales and marketing leaders, conducted in October and November.
When asked to rank the level of collaboration between sales and marketing on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 representing no collaboration and 5 representing tight alignment), 45% of respondents gave their organizations a score of 3; 24% gave a score of 4; 21% gave a score of 2; and 2% gave a score of 1.
The greatest obstacles to achieving tighter alignment between sales and marketing are long-term thinking by marketing vs. short-term thinking by sales (58% said this was an important factor); different goals and measurements (46%); and not enough time (45%). (Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer.)