New York—RR Donnelley’s Press+ announced the launch of Video+, an e-commerce meter to monetize digital video. Video+ uses a variation of the Press+ technology for text media, which allows readers to view a certain number of articles per month before being asked to pay. The video-metering system allocates a certain amount of time that each viewer can watch—determined by each video publisher—before a message informs the viewer that after watching for an additional amount of time, the viewer will be asked to pay to continue or to subscribe to all of the content offered by the video producer. Courtroom View Network (CVN), the first Video+ client, today began by offering three trial dramas for sale through the video-metering platform. Steven Brill, co-CEO of Press+, founded the Court TV cable network in the early 1990s but has no affiliation with Courtroom View. Even in his Court TV days, Brill said in a statement, “I wished I had a way to charge viewers directly after they had a chance to watch for a little while. Press+ has now enabled video producers of all kinds of content to do that, using our proven welcome messaging and other marketing methodology, and our consumer-friendly e-commerce platform.”