AT&T has introduce three new videos in its "StrongCan" campaign, showing real customers using AT&T's 4G LTE network to achieve their dreams and run their businesses.
The digital and social campaign, created by BBDO and Organic, include one-minute "hero stories" featuring a marine biologist, a food stylist and a race-car driver.
"The goal of 'StrongCan' is to inspire audiences to see the world through the eyes of those who are using the network with the nation's strongest 4G LTE signal," said Valerie Vargas, VP-advertising and marketing communications for AT&T Mobility.
"For businesses, the performance of the network is critical. You don't ever want to be without your network," she said. "These 'hero stories' demonstrate real-life users of our network telling their stories, which helps others figure out ways to use the network to benefit them or make their businesses run more smoothly."
The "StrongCan" campaign began on TV, in print and online in March, featuring a dairy farmer and a pediatric heart surgeon who use AT&T's mobility network to communicate from remote locations.
The three new videos tell the stories of Chris Hadjez, director of the Marine Animal Rescue society; Liza Jernow, a New York food stylist; and Ben Albano, a race-car driver who is training to win a championship race.
In the videos, Mr. Hadjez uses the AT&T network to take photos and videos of injured marine animals and communicate with vets and rescue volunteers to help save them; Ms. Jernow communicates with employees who are scouring New York City to find food, flowers and ingredients for her cooking creations; and Mr. Albano works with his coach remotely, sending videos, data and other information to help him train for the race.
"These are all very different ways to use the network, but all of these customers are using it to enhance their own aspirations," Ms. Vargas said.
The videos are running on YouTube, and AT&T is promoting them with paid media on Facebook and Twitter. AT&T is also using Instagram to post photos showing these customer stories and others, as well as experimenting with newer social channels such as Periscope and WeHeartIt, Ms. Vargas said.
AT&T's approach to working with newer platforms is to "try it, nail it and scale it," she said.