Detroit—Users of tablet devices expect website loading performance and experience to equal or surpass PCs and will penalize sites that fail to satisfy them, according to a study by information technology company Compuware Corp. According to Compuware's “Engaging the Tablet User: What They Expect From Websites,” almost 70% of tablet users expect a website to load in two seconds or less, but those expectations are often unfulfilled. Four of 10 tablet users have experienced website problems, with slow load times cited most frequently (66%), followed by site crashes (44%), problems with site functions (42%) and issues with site format (40%). In addition, a bad website experience will drive 46% of tablet users to rival websites; 35% are less likely to visit the problematic website on any platform; and 33% are less likely to purchase from that company. Compuware's study was based on an online poll of 2,033 experienced tablet users in January.