What happened to psychic kid Danny Torrance after "The Shining," years after fleeing the hotel with his mother? Stephen King's new sequel to the novel, "Doctor Sleep," explores this question, and to promote the book, digital agency Domani has devised a creepy new mobile experience. In Where Is Danny Torrance? fans are taken back into the past into their own version of The Shining to get an glimpse into the character's "tortured mind" and also get a taste of the new novel -- although we are promised there are no real spoilers. Users need to sync their mobile with their computer using Google Chrome to take part in the experience, which incorporates video, HTML5, Web Audio API, and WebSockets. Multiple browsers pop up to create eerie mosaics as users interact with the site on their phones. It's seasonally spooky -- and we can almost start imagining tthe film version now.
Double screen campaign experiences with mobile tie-ins have become a lot more sophisticated these days. Also check out the Deja View interactive film for Infiniti via Campfire, which allows you to speak to its characters on your cellphone.