America's favorite game, Monopoly, is about to undergo a massive change: One of its beloved tokens is soon going to be put out of work, and a new one is readying to take its place. Hasbro has launched an adorable Facebook campaign, "Save Your Token," that has up for incarceration the racecar, iron, shoe (not shoe!), top hat, Scottie dog, wheelbarrow, thimble or battleship. Until Feb. 5, you can check out their case files and vote for who deserves to get the hell away from your next game. The files are absolutely delightful. For example, the prosecution says Top Hat is pretty lame because it's rarely utilized outside of costume parties, while its defense puts forward the "but you have no idea how many magic rabbits are hidden inside!" argument.
And while everybody's heart breaks over their favorite token possibly never making it out of jail, there are some pretty sweet replacement tokens that you can also vote for: a robot, cat, guitar, diamond ring or helicopter.
After mid-February, when a limited edition Monopoly will arrive in Target, all ensuing editions will feature the replacement token -- and won't feature the doomed one.
Best of all, other brands, like Zappos, are getting into the game. The online retailer posted this adorable pro-shoe photo on its own Facebook page, which Monopoly then reposted.