Nest, designer of the brilliant Learning Thermostat, has turned its attention to the unloved, but necessary, smoke detector with the new Nest Protect. It's a "smart" smoke alarm that not only looks good, but neatly solves problems such as "how to darn the darn thing off" (you simply wave your hands underneath). Other benefits include giving you an early warning of smoke without turning on a loud, screeching alarm, sending messages to your tablet and smartphone if the alarm's going off, and glowing yellow if the battery's running down (rather than irritatingly chirpirng as you're trying to get to sleep). It's exactly the kind of smoke alarm you would expect from Nest creator, original iPod designer Tony Fadell- and we think it will be a huge hit. After all, as Nest rightly points out, it's got to be a product you love, because hating it is dangerous.