Just because you shared a photo on Instragram of the trendy omelet soufflé you ate at brunch doesn't mean you'd want to share it in real life.
That's the message Kellogg brand Eggo is getting at with its own breakfast food as it brings back its famous "L'Eggo My Eggo" campaign this week with a modern spin – even though we "share" nearly everything today, Eggo waffles are the one thing you still want to keep for yourself.
"What is really different about this campaign is that we're taking a tagline from the 1970's and making it relevant today," said Anne Marie Suarez-Davis, VP-frozen foods marketing and innovation at Kellogg Co.
The new campaign is a contemporary twist on the original "L'Eggo My Eggo" campaign that began running while "The Brady Bunch" was in primetime in 1972 and remained central to the brand's advertising until 2008. Eggo began to shift away from the tagline the following year, switching to a campaign called "My Way," but "L'Eggo My Eggo" was still used at the end of spots. Then, in 2011, Eggo completely broke away from the signature campaign, substituting "Simply Delicious" as the tagline.