So for its shopper-marketing teams, Georgia-Pacific is hiring
people with consumer marketing or media backgrounds, including a
former ZenithOptimedia employee, a former Delta
employee with e-mail marketing experience and a digital brand
manager from its own Quilted Northern brand.
But it's still important to have a shopper-marketing team to get
the "synergy," because G-P retains a dual retailer-publisher
relationship with the likes of Walmart or Amazon, Mr. Bergsma said.
"Instead of just having your media folks place media at those
retailers who happen to be publishers, you hand it to the shopper
marketers and say, 'Hey, you play in both worlds. You have to drive
synergies with the sales side of the building, so we both know what
we're doing and we get the most value for both parties.'"
Breaking down the walls between sales and marketing makes sense
for reasons beyond
e-commerce. Unilever's Mr. Straton said it's important not to
overlook the channel's potential, despite lingering doubts it will
become a major factor in the U.S. grocery marketplace.
In parts of the world such as the U.K., e-commerce-fueled
grocery delivery is already up to 10% of the market, with
click-and-collect (buying online and picking up purchases in-store)
moving up to that level as well, he said. The U.S. doesn't have the
same population density or retailer involvement, two things needed
to drive similar penetration here. But Mr. Straton believes that's
changing, given growing urbanization, higher acceptance of
e-commerce among millennials and the chance of a tipping point for
retailer participation.
"People have shied away from going all in," he said. "I think in
the next 18 to 24 months there's going to be a fairly dramatic
shift, and people are going to have to jump in. That's where
Instacart fits in, providing a service for millennials, who are
willing to factor in the convenience of delivery over even
Hiring its own contract shoppers to pick up orders from stores
in 18 U.S. markets, Instacart doesn't require retailers to make any
new investments in their own systems. And from a marketer
standpoint, it's not a bad deal either, Unilever's Mr. Straton
said, given that its promotions guarantee performance, be it
requiring product purchases to qualify for free delivery or
marketers not having to pay for coupon distribution that doesn't
spur redemption.
"Not only do you get robust data back, but you get actual
shipments," he said. "In the coupon space, even with digital
coupons, you can run into fraud issues. But in the case of
Instacart, it's a closed loop. So the redemption you get is