Old Spice guys are amazing at whatever they do -- whether it's asking rapid-fire questions clad in a snow-white beach towel, or making music with their muscles. Wieden & Kennedy Portland, MJZ's Tom Kuntz, The Mill and Vimeo team up on an interactive video that first gives you a preview of what pitchman Terry Crews can accomplish with his pecs, triceps and sartorius adductors, then invites you to try it out yourself.
This is the first time Old Spice has worked with Vimeo on a campaign. The brand's prior video efforts, including the highly decorated Old Spice "Responses" campaign starring Isaiah Mustafa, have always been housed on YouTube. The Vimeo video is fully embeddable -- interactivity and all -- and according to a Wieden & Kennedy spokesperson, was the only platform that could make this experience possible.
You can use your keyboard to control Crews' muscles and record your muscle-powered masterpieces, then share them. What you see here is the pre-recorded version, and you can try out the interactive portion here. Check out the keyboard cheat sheet so you can move Crews exacty how you want to.
We'll start you off with something that 's not on the sheet: "A" is for sausages. And don't dawdle. Crews is an aggressive one, and starts yelling at you to "Play the music or get out!" if you sit around for too long.
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