Veteran shop believe continued to deliver a slate of standout work, comprising unique visuals and clever storytelling. Among the highlights were Floria Sigismondi's series of luxurious but laugh out loud funny ads for Droga5 and the Moto 360 watch, which took the piss out of the conventions of luxury timepiece advertising.
Director Sammy Rawal joined CHI & Partners and London for an unusual twist to the broadcast ident. Promoting Talk Talk's sponsorship of the X-Factor in the U.K., the campaign featured an app that invited fans to create their own professional-looking music videos, which were then featured during real ad breaks.
Antony Hoffman also got Super Bowl viewers to leave their nachos on a funny Fiat ad, about a senior Italian gent who loses his "blue pill" to a Fiat, resulting in the brand's more impressively sized new model.
Meanwhile, director Zack Snyder has fanboys and fangirls salivating in anticipation of his latest superhero blockbuster, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, starring Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck.