Trying times make for interesting bedfellows, and so as the FCC attempts to roll back net neutrality, the world's largest internet porn site and the American Civil Liberties Union (among many, many other tech and media companies) find themselves fighting on the same side.
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is preparing to overturn Title II — the rule imposing net neutrality — and companies are fighting back.
Removing ad protections, opponents argue, puts the power in the hands of internet providers like Comcast and Verizon — essentially handing them the keys to run the web. That could mean slower load times and the blocking of apps and services.
Today's "Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality" protest, has assembled a wide swath of internet titans and smaller players — including Facebook, Google, Reddit, Netflix and, yes, PornHub — that are posting statements, alerts, petitions, ads and calls to action all in opposition to the proposed rollback.
The list of companies goes on: Netflix, Twitter, Bandcamp, imgur, Vimeo, Weebly. In all, according to, 230 major sites joined the cause.
The ACLU displayed this pop-up when entering the site.