Netflix scored two wins in social media last week, when a photo of the kid stars of its show "Stranger Things" at the Emmys gave it the most engaging posts on both Tumblr and Twitter, according to ListenFirst Media.
Starbucks, it should be noted, also won two platforms, and without the benefit of adorable child actors.
Check out all of the week's most-engaging brand posts on major social-media platforms, and click on the chart to see the original posts in their native social habitat.
Methodology: Marketer MVPs surfaces the individual brand posts, both paid and organic, that generated the most engagement on Facebook (defined as likes, shares and comments), Twitter (retweets and likes), Instagram (likes and comments), Tumblr (original notes) and YouTube (official views, comments and thumbs-ups). Brands tracked are the 200 most-advertised brands by U.S. measured-media spending in 2014, per Ad Age Datacenter, in addition to the top 500 brands as identified in the Redbooks 500.