McDonald's last attempt to generate a Twitter hashtag meme #McDStories registered a fail when consumers used it to spread their own McDonald's horror stories.
But if you think that the fast-food giant would take a hiatus from social media, you'd be wrong.
This week McDonald's launched a hashtag campaign, #Shamrocking, for its limited-time Shamrock Milkshake. Shamrock Milkshake fans can show their love for the product through Twitter by posting pictures of themselves posing in a jig-like stance while holding the drink.
McDonald's seemed to have introduced the meme -- ostensibly a play on memes such as Tebowing and planking -- througha sponsored BuzzFeed post, with the text:
Have you tried #Shamrocking yet? The Irish jig has been an expression of joy since the 16th century, and thanks to the hot new viral trend of #Shamrocking, it's making a modern-day comeback. Check out some of these high-stepping #Shamrockers, then get out there and treat your friends to a shake and make them dance with delight!