Let's do something about gun violence. Here's how to contact all 535 members of Congress http://t.co/49wbCUl0w3 https://t.co/7gSWgbOE2l
— People magazine (@people) October 7, 2015
"I think about mass shootings when I'm on a train, and when the lights go down in a movie theater, and when I see children in a classroom," Mr. Cagle said in the letter. "We need to know that our representatives in Washington, D.C., are looking for solutions and not giving up, and they need to know if we agree or disagree with their strategies."
Posted information includes phone numbers, email addresses (from the Sunlight Foundation's OpenCongress project) and available Twitter handles for the 535 voting members of the House of Representatives and Senate. The magazine's circulation is 3.5 million, and one in four readers is a mother, according to its media kit.