Broadcasters have generally not fared well during the pandemic, Just this week, the Oscars saw its worst TV ratings ever. Now, a new study shows broadcasters' social media efforts are paling in comparison to the impact of influencer content, especially when it comes to reaching the sought-after Gen Z audience with videos.
The study from social video analytics firm Tubular Labs analyzed the unique U.S. viewers across the top 10 influencer and broadcast accounts on YouTube and Facebook in March, as well as the minutes watched across the top 1,000 influencer, media and brand accounts over the past year. Overwhelmingly, influencer-created social videos soared above competition as the U.S. dealt with COVID-19 lockdowns over the past year.
The study cements the fact that younger audiences prefer content from their favorite influencers to that of daytime or nighttime broadcast programs. Broadcast shows like “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” and “Ellen” have ramped up appearances from social influencers on their programs to cater to Gen Zers over the past year, but their reach is still falling behind.
Last month in March alone, the top 10 influencer and influencer-driven channels reached 29% of the Gen Z audience with 150 million unique viewers, twice as much as the 14% reach (71 million unique viewers) of the top 10 broadcast channels.