Every weekday we bring you the Ad Age/iSpot Hot Spots, new and trending TV commercials tracked by iSpot.tv, a company that catalogs, tags and measures activity around TV ads in real time. The New Releases here ran on TV for the first time yesterday. The Most Engaging ads are showing sustained social heat, ranked by SpotShare scores reflecting the percent of digital activity associated with each one over the past week. See the methodology here.
Among the new releases, Sprint serves up another spot in its ongoing "Framily" campaign with none of the framily members (except for the hamster, briefly) getting speaking roles this time. And a gun-safety ad from Evolve that became a viral hit after it was posted on YouTube on June 25 finally gets a national TV airing; it appeared last night during an MTV "Jersey Shore" rerun. Ad Age's Ken Wheaton has a few thoughts about the ad.