The third report in
the Ad Age
Insights' Shopper Marketing quarterly series explores the world
of neuromarketing. In this report, you'll learn:
- How research firms are using neuromarketing to get beyond what
consumers say to ascertain how they truly behave
- How consumers' emotions are being measured and gauged to
predict how they will react to brands and brand messages
- What the skeptics think and how the Advertising Research
Foundation is taking steps to verify results and recommendations
for how to use neuromarketing findings.
"By integrating biometric response with eye tracking and the
measurement of pupil dilation, Innerscope was able to differentiate
not only between positive and negative responses but also, within
negative responses, between a bored, disconnected reaction and a
more anxious, aversive response," said Bob Woodard, VP-global
consumer and customer insights, Campbell. "Neither negative
response is good, but the latter clearly provides a bigger
opportunity to improve in-store merchandising."
A second study by research company Merchant Mechanics in 2009
focused on soup labels and shelf cards and tracked eye movement,
pupil dilation and facial expressions as participants shopped. This
work identified opportunities to improve the consumer's emotional
response to labels and shelf cards. The repositioning included
changes to the label including removing the spoon, adding steam and
redesigning the bowl. The more contemporary design aided consumers
in recalling a positive emotional connection to soup as nurturing.
The company also retooled its merchandising approach, creating
color-coded "benefit clusters" on labels and shelf cards,
specifying a particular variety as "Classic Favorite" or "Great for
Cooking." Eye tracking found that consumers considered the famous
red Campbell logo at the top of the product distracting -- so the
logo got smaller and dropped to a lower position on the label.
Before implementing those changes, Campbell first wanted to use
virtual reality to test them out. So a third study, in 2010,
incorporated Innerscope's technology -- this time using a biometric
belt rather than a vest, plus eye tracking and the measurement of
pupil dilation -- with interactive research company Vision
Critical's virtual shopping environment. After the study, Campbell
moved forward with in-store changes.
"Neuroscience methods measure various areas of activity in the
nervous system and these areas of activity are proxies for -- and
not direct measurements of -- the psychological processes that we
all recognize, such as attention, emotion, memory, etc.," Mr.
Woodward said, adding that that 's important because "it encourages
us to exercise a bit of healthy restraint when interpreting and
using the results of neuroscience studies."
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