Duluth Trading Co. took it to the limit for Don Henley.
Don Henley Sues Clothing Company Over Shirt Ad

Last week Wisconsin-based clothing manufacturer Duluth Trading Co. emailed out an ad for a shirt sale that reads, "Don a henley and take it easy," a reference to The Eagles' hit song.
Now, Mr. Henley is accusing the company of not only taking advantage of his fame but also possibly tricking people into thinking he is endorsing the shirts. The obvious reference to the1972 song and the use of his first and last name are the main components of a copyright violation lawsuit Mr. Henley filed in a California district court.
"One would think that the people in charge of marketing for these corporations would have learned by now that U.S. law forbids trading on the name of a celebrity without permission from that celebrity," said Larry Solters, Eagles spokesperson. "Both Mr. Henley and the Eagles have worked hard, for over 40 years, to build their names and goodwill in the world community. They pride themselves on the fact that they have never allowed their names, likenesses or music – individually or as a group – to be used to sell products."
A spokesperson for Duluth Trading Co. said "we are aware of the claims made by Mr. Henley. Our policy is to not comment on the specifics regarding matters of litigation."