It's been called the No. 1 specator sport during the Olympic Games. Pin trading -- the buying, selling and trading of commemorative pins at Olympic Games -- first became popular in the 1980s. It's since turned into an industry in itself -- and a sport anybody can qualify at.
Heading into Thursday's start of the Sochi Winter Olympics, the U.S.Olympic Committee has launched its first social-media and mobile game around pin trading.
Lisa Baird, CMO of the USOC, wants to use pin collecting to reach younger, social-media loving sports fans. To do so, the USOC has created its first Facebook game called "Pinsanity," that's also available on mobile and tablets.
"We're trying to be innovative and connect with new and younger consumers," said Ms. Baird. "The game has a Facebook component -- and a mobile component -- which we think will do very well."