We're on the Facebook
As you may or may not have noticed, the Power 150 badge got a facelift recently -- and it's not just sexier: it loads faster on your page, leaves a smaller footprint behind and has been widgetized for Facebook support.To put your Power 150 badge on your Facebook profile, you'll need to install Profile HTML app for Facebook. (The app basically just lets you add custom HTML code -- or, in this case, FBML code -- to your profile.)
Next, log in and paste the embed code for Facebook into the Profile HTML box. Click submit and then "Add to Profile," and follow the prompts from there.
Note: Because of Facebook's limitations on profile widgets, your badge will not display your score until a visitor clicks on it.
Et, voila: dynamic technology in motionless action.
(Oh, and as many of you know, the Power 150 has its own Facebook group now.)
Feedburner: much ado about something?
In other restive news: Google has switched its Feedburner links around. Some of you have been wondering what exactly to do with your RSS feeds. According to Super Tech News, your "original Feedburner feeds are redirecting to feeds2.feedburner.com/blog instead of feedproxy.google.com/blog," which is causing some SEO issues.
The truth is somewhere in-between -- or, a little from Column A, a little from Column B. It really depends on what it is that you're doing and which feed you're promoting.
Let's take a step back for a second. Feedburner doesn't house your actual feed. Your real feed lives on your site. (Where else would your content syndicate from?) Feedburner simply looks at your feed and does its magic. If people subscribe to the URL of your Feedburner feed, and not the URL of the actual feed living on your site, Feedburner just happily "counts" that as a real subscription to your feed.
Therein lies the problem (or thereabouts). In theory, people should be subscribing to your actual feed; not the Feedburner URL. I know this doesn't happen in practice, but you should be redirecting requests for your actual feed over to Feedburner. If your server runs Apache, you can employ .htaccess to redirect your feed requests.)
That's the proper way to run Feedburner on your site; and, for several reasons:
- What if you decide not to use Feedburner in the future?
- What if Feedburner URLs automatically changes its server name from feedproxy.google.com to feeds2.feedburner.com?
- What if big space-alien Nazi terrorists blow up Google and Feedburner in a well-coordinated attack and both businesses go under?