While discussions around the “future of work” sometimes focus on virtual work, return-to-office policies and other areas affected by the pandemic, the phrase has grown to encompass the technology we use, the way companies structure their business and much more.
In 2024, AI further transformed the marketing services business, many brands walked back their commitments to DEI and companies continued to tinker with their return-to-office policies. What might 2025 hold? Here are four areas executives and recruiters believe will shape the future of work for brands and agencies in the year ahead.
AI and tech will be hotter than ever
AI and other emerging technologies are revolutionizing the way marketers work—and experts don’t anticipate any slowdown in the year ahead. In fact, some executives believe more brands will embrace AI in 2025, now that brands such as Coca-Cola have publicly blessed related tools.
“People that were on the sidelines are starting [to dive in] now,” said Jason Zada, founder at Secret Level, one of the AI studios behind Coca-Cola’s AI-produced holiday commercials.