Earlier this year, Manila agency Gigil introduced us to the canned fish brand Mega Tuna with a nightmarish switcheroo story about a woman and a gecko. The brand got even more bizarre in its latest ad, depicting a woman at war with herself over her Mega Tuna meal. The weirdness (inspired by a classic Filipino myth) has a point—to create buzz around the brand with younger consumers while illustrating how delicious Mega Tuna is.
Over the holidays, Burberry dazzled us with its ambitious and imaginative remake of “Singin’ in the Rain” for the modern age. The brand took a more subtle approach for its latest ad. It tapped Academy director Jonathan Glazer, known for the classic Guinness “Surfer” ad, to create another seaside tale starring Adam Driver in his most unusual role yet—a man-horse. The spot sent social media into a frenzy and spawned many a colorful headline, including our favorite from Vulture: “At last, an Adam Driver you can truly ride.”
Apple has gotten a lot of mileage from its “Shot on iPhone” campaign, which has leaned on the talents of its users—professional or not—to create striking ads, from out-of-home murals to short films. Its latest turns the lens onto pets, captured (at times, hilariously) in crisp black and white by photographer Jason Nocito. The push didn’t stop there, however. The campaign extended to a virtual Today at Apple session in which Nocito gave attendees tips on how to use their iPhones to capture their fur babies with professional results.