The publishing tycoon plans to use its NewFronts presentation on Monday to promote a new offering, dubbed Trigr, that allows marketers to serve a custom tailored creative or branded content after specific market conditions are met.
Take for example the French election.
Nobody knows whether centrist Emmanuel Macron or far-right candidate Marine Le Pen will win come May 7, but many can assume the Euro will be affected either way. If it swings to the left, marketers can serve one type of creative and if it swings to the right, they can serve a different one. The same logic applies for branded content.
"This applies to luxury really well," Derek Gatts, global head of technology and product at Bloomberg Media, said. "Luxury brands want to identify an audience that can spend $25,000 for a Rolex. What better time to advertise to an affluent audience than the moment they just made a ton of money?"
The offering will also likely appeal to financial services or automotive advertisers.
Gatts said the publisher is uniquely positioned to offer its solution as it has Bloomberg Terminal, a software program that provides real-time financial market data across industries.
"When markets are moving, our traffic booms," Gatts said. "We saw that with the instability in Greece, Brexit, the U.S. election -- people come to Bloomberg when there is instability in the market because they want to know what the next steps are for their portfolio."
Other publishers have similar offerings, but based on weather -- not stock market data. Gatts said advertisers can get very granular on what "triggers" their ads, adding they can set parameters based off how the S&P performs, currency, performance of a specific country, commodities such as gold, silver, oil as well as indexes on certain category funds like telecom or tech. Marketers can also have their ads show solely based on several companies of their choosing, too.
"Advertisers are clamoring to reach the right audience with the right content," Gatts said. "But there isn't a lot of conversation aligned with the 'when.'"
Bloomberg built its tech in house and ads will be based off a CPM model. Trigr is also built as a layer on top of Bloomberg's ad server. The plus side to that, Gatts said, is that Trigr can be layered into all of the publisher's offerings.
Gatts hinted about a phase two to be released in the future, that would "reach beyond Bloomberg's walls," but declined to elaborate further.
Trigr will be available to marketers in July, Bloomberg said.