Blake Mycoskie has parlayed his 15 minutes of fame, earned as a contestant on CBS' "Amazing Race 2," into creating Reality Central.
The new digital cable network, focusing solely on the reality TV genre, plans to launch in January. As Mr. Mycoskie, 26, witnessed first hand the public's fascination with reality TV, his business brain kicked in. "I saw this huge opportunity with international [reality] programming," he says, believing Reality Central would provide a unique venue for studios to rerun their reality fare. Reality Central will also produce original content.
As founder and chairman of Reality Central, he's hooked up with E! Entertainment Television founder Larry Namer. But before joining forces, Mr. Namer issued a reality show-style challenge: raise $500,000 in start-up money, which Mr. Mycoskie did. Also, Richard Hatch, the first winner of CBS' "Survivor," and about 30 other reality stars have signed to appear on and promote Reality Central.