By now you've almost certainly seen "Worst Twerk Fail EVER" -- the first video embedded below -- which shows a young woman attempting to twerk in her apartment, only to be interrupted by her roommate at exactly the wrong moment (cue crashing coffee table, flames, screams). The video racked up nine million views on YouTube since it was first posted last Tuesday. Last night on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," Kimmel revealed that "Caitlin Heller," the woman who supposedly posted the video to YouTube, is actually stuntwoman Daphne Avalon.
The second video below shows Kimmel basically shaming every news and entertainment outlet, from the local news to "The View," that covered the original video as if it was a real thing.
Hopefully tomorrow night Kimmel will reveal that MTV's recent twerkpocalypse was fake too, and that "Miley Cyrus" is also actually a stuntwoman.
Simon Dumenco is the "Media Guy" media columnist for Advertising Age. Follow him on Twitter @simondumenco.