You've already seen Time magazine's One World Trade Center cover image, right? A stunning, elaborately produced panorama taken from the spire of the tallest building in the western hemisphere, it's been the talk of the media world since it was released last Friday as a special three-page fold-out cover. But some readers, it turns out, had a problem with it.
In the March 24 issue, out today, Time Managing Editor Nancy Gibbs writes on the Editor's Desk page,
"Ed Terris of Sherwood Forest, Calif., was one of many readers moved by our March 17 panoramic cover photograph from atop One World Trade Center ('One of the most beautiful and inspiring images I have ever seen'), but he was frustrated that his address label partly obscured it. So at the suggestion of Walt Andariese of Berlin, N.J., we're reprinting that covered patch to scale ... Just cut it out, paste it over your address label and enjoy."