Montreal animator and filmmaker Tyler Gibb spent four long years making ?Minushi,? a feature-length animated movie divided into 19 serialized portions for the Web. The 94-minute anime-influenced sci-fi film was written, drawn and animated entirely by Mr.Gibb, who is the sole proprietary owner (he also sells the movie in its complete form on his Web site, Like many Flash creators, Mr. Gibb began animating for the Internet in 1998 as part of a day job, which he hoped to eventually trade for self-employment. His flagship animated-short site, Boneland, turned out to be profitable enough to allow him to make ?Minushi? in his spare time as a labor of love. The 2,000-plus sketches that took 7,000 hours to animate were all hand-drawn at his apartment, where the whole soundtrack was recorded in a bedroom closet (?where the acoustics were best,? naturally). After first distributing the chapters in 2007, Mr. Gibb is in the process of releasing a special version of ?Minushi? across Veoh, YouTube and Revver, where they have garnered hits in the five-figure range. Asked if he would undertake another project of this type, Mr. Gibb admitted, ?Four years is a long time without a paycheck?; he said it probably would take studio interest or outside funding to spark a follow-up feature.
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