Magnum's Latest 'Pleasure Hunt' Celebrates Brand's 25th B-day With 'Biggest Party on the Internet'

Fourth Installment of Celebrated Campaign Invites Viewers to Take Part in Massive Snake Line

Published On
Apr 07, 2014

Editor's Pick

For its 25th birthday, ice cream brand Magnum has turned its celebrated "Pleasure Hunt" campaign into "The Biggest Party on the Internet" with the help of agench Lowe Brindfors and production company B-Reel. The campaign has famously taken Magnum characters across a singular story that runs across various "branded" sites. In this fourth installment, viewers are asked to partake in a Centipede-style congo line game. They start off as lone dancers who pick up more partners with every gold ball they encounter. The fun continues as the characters dance into other pseudo branded destinations, until their moves become clumsy and they start shimmying against off-limit browser borders.