Dalmations Check Each Other out for a Very Important Reason

Cute Pets Serve as Acceptable Alternative to Naked Humans

Published On
Apr 07, 2015

Editor's Pick

This latest entry to the pantheon of adorablee animal videos features dalmations checking each other out, lingering over each other's markings as if they're taking in great works of art. But the cute premise actually serves a very meaningful cause. Instead of taking the "doom and gloom" approach to skin cancer safety, BETC Paris is using the dogs to promote the importance of checking your skin for signs of the disease.

The online ad was created to support skincare brand La Roche-Posay's My Skin Check program, which raises awareness of skin cancer and advises viewers, "If you care for somebody, have a look at their beauty spots." BETC hopes to capitalize on the perennial appeal of cute animals to send the campaign viral, encouraging social media users to pass the message along via Facebook, Twitter or email.

Art director Jean-Michel Alirol explained, "Showing naked people looking at their skin is always slightly edgy; there's a risk that viewers may find it uncomfortable or distressing. So it made sense to find an analogy using animals, which led us to the dalmations."

For another cool idea that helped safeguard against skin cancer, check out how Ogilvy Brazil trained tattoo artists to look for signs of the disease.


Apr 07, 2015
Brand :
La Roche-Posay
Client :
La Roche-Posay
Agency :
Creative Director :
Stephane Xiberras
Art Director :
Jean-Michel Alirol
Copywriter :
Dominique Marchand
Director :
Owen Trevor
Production Company :
Passion Paris
Producer :
Sebastien Lintingre
Sound Production :
Schmooz France

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