PlayStation 2 : Bodies

There are a lot of people in this ad, but not nearly as many as the number of creatives involved in three new PS2 executions, part of an ongoing series of frequently demented and award-winning PlayStation images from TBWA/Paris. PS2 go-to guy Dimitri

Published On
May 05, 2006

Editor's Pick

There are a lot of people in this ad, but not nearly as many as the number of creatives involved in three new PS2 executions, part of an ongoing series of frequently demented and award-winning PlayStation images from TBWA/Paris. PS2 go-to guy Dimitri Daniloff ( is on hand (among other body parts) again for the photography in this "Bodies" ad, and as for what it all means, it's a PS2 "metaphor for the fun to be had playing in a big group of people," says the agency. "Players are connected through a joint sensory experience, and a chain reaction of pleasure and stimulation is set into motion." Just watch that exchange of bodily fluids. Which brings us to the interesting panty-sniffing idea (see the PDF), shot by Hans Starck, "A Japanese man indulges in his favorite fetish," TBWA explains. There's PS2 fun to be had without a big group of people, too, of course. In the comparatively straighforward "Head" ad, shot by Yann Robert,, "the fantastic and virtual universe of PlayStation is revealed to readers by giving them a glimpse into what exactly goes on inside a player's head." Very cool, but we couldn't help noticing the tiny brain.


May 05, 2006
Creative Director :
Erik Vervroegen
Photographer :
Dimitri Daniloff
Photographer :
Yann Robert
Photographer :
Hans Starck
Art Buyer :
Barbara Chevalier
Art Director :
Marianne Fonferrier
Art Director :
Joakim Revema
Art Director :
Bjorn Ruhmann
Copywriter :
Ghislaine De Germon
Copywriter :
Xander Smith
Copywriter/Art Director :
S Vacherot
Copywriter/Art Director :
Gregory Barry
Copywriter/Art Director :
Ingrid Varetz
Copywriter/Art Director :
Loic Cardon
Copywriter/Art Director :
Jessica Gerard-Huet
Client :
Agency :
Brand :
PlayStation 2

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