Puerto Rico Tourism Invites Boston Daredevils to Recreate Snow Dives in Caribbean Clime

For Winter Weary, #BostonBlizzardChallenge Is Nicer in the Sun

Published On
Mar 12, 2015

Editor's Pick

When JWT in Puerto Rico noticed people in blizzard-struck Boston diving from their windows, decks and rooftops into piles of deep snow last month and documenting their feats on social media, they invited them to come and jump somewhere warmer and sunnier-- in Puerto Rico.

For client Puerto Rico Tourism, the agency gave free trips to three of the craziest daredevils from the so-called #BostonBlizzardChallenge -- like those who dived into six feet of snow in a bikini.

Every jump was filmed to replicate the original #BostonBlizzardChallenge posts and was shared through social media platforms. In one post, a picture of a bikini-clad woman jumping into a snowdrift from her back porch is juxtaposed with an image of a happier woman in a bikini diving off a boat in sunny Icacos, Puerto Rico.