Nextel : Chicken Pox
Walkie talkies are good for something more.
Editor's Pick
Nextel gives the normally dowdy push-to-talk walkie-talkie phones an emotional appeal with three spots out of Madre Buenos Aires, directed by the highly acclaimed Juan Cabral, the former Fallon London creative who moved into directing a couple years ago, and has previously wowed us with work for Sony, Cadbury, and the Grand Prix-winning campaign for Tate.
Every technology has a time when it should be used. With text-messaging, it's about short, quick information-based signals that don't necessarily warrant a reply. Phones are for involved dialogue. But what about the walkie-talkie? Turns out, they're for more than for young kids playing at battle. Walkie-talkies, as these spots show you, are for communication without asking for permission to communicate -- there is no dialing or ringing that needs to be answered. And there are many, many uses. Check out all the spots on the right.
- Date
- Jun 07, 2012
- Brand :
- Nextel
- Client :
- Nextel
- Agency :
- Madre-Buenos Aires
- Director :
- Juan Cabral
- Creative Director :
- Madre
- Copywriter :
- Madre
- Art Director :
- Madre
- Agency Producer :
- Madre
- Production Company :
- Production Company :
- Labhouse
- Executive Producer :
- Debbie Turner
- Executive Producer :
- Flora Fernandes Marengo
- Director :
- Juan Cabral
- Director, Photography :
- Larry Smith
- Producer :
- Natalia Mussolana
- Offline Edition :
- Elianne Katz
- Sound Director :
- Tres Sonido
- Post Production :
- Metrovision
- Color :
- Eduardo Sierra
- Music :
- Patricia Sosa
- Client Responsible :
- Luis Maria Jordan
- Client Responsible :
- Pablo De Speluzzi
- Client Responsible :
- Pilar Lopardo
- Client Responsible :
- Emilio Cesio
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