Old Spice Debuts a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Story on Instagram

Bottle of Body Wash Unlocks Curious Tales

Published On
Jul 31, 2015
Choose Your Own Adventure Instagram Game

Editor's Pick

A bottle of Old Spice body wash leads to some curious tales in this new Instagram Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Game, created out of Wieden & Kennedy Portland. One black-and-white image, drawn in classic comic-book style and depicting a beleaguered who mysteriously awakes in a cave is the portal to a tale of (possibly) devious robots, sultry hook-ups or gladiator fighting with some mean-looking space beasts. The lead-in reads: "You awaken in a dark cave. In the distance you see a faint light, in front of you is an open bottle of Old Spice body wash. Go toward the light -- maybe it's a way out? Grab the Old Spice? Tap image once to use tags to navigate."



Jul 31, 2015
Client :
Old Spice
Client :
Old Spice
Agency :
Wieden & Kennedy-Portland
Project Name :
Choose Your Own Adventure
Creative Director :
Jason Kreher
Copywriter/Art Director :
Matt Sorrell
Additonal Creative :
Chen Liang/Cameron Soane
Project Manager :
Jason Schwartz
Interactive Strategy :
Michael Holz
Social Strategy :
Danny Schotthoefer
Account Team :
Jessica Monsey
Account Team :
Michael Dalton
Account Team :
Nick Pirtle
Interactive Studio Artist :
Kieron Dwyer
Executive Creative Director :
Mark Fitzloff
Executive Creative Director :
Joe Staples

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