Experience a Viral Apocalypse in Your Own City With Chilling Interactive Promo for Ubisoft's 'Division'
Player Is Patient Zero in BETC's 'Collapse'
Editor's Pick
How would you cope in an apocalypse situation? Ubisoft is inviting you to find out with an interactive experience promoting its new role-playing video game "The Division," based on the novel by Tom Clancy.
Created by BETC Paris, the Collapse online experience is dubbed an "end of society simulator" and takes you to a world where the population is being infected by a super-virus, the fictional Variola Chimerapandemic that's three times as deadly as smallpox. The twist is that you, the player, are "patient zero."
Type in your own address and it shows you how rapidly you would spread the disease -- for example the number of other people you might infect on your journey to your nearest hospital, or how quickly your pharmacy would run out of medication. It chillingly demonstrates how fast society will fall apart without the interdependent systems we rely on, and by using your own local information, maps and data, brings it all too close to home.
Collapse can be played across thousands of cities worldwide, and has gone live ahead of "The Division" launching later this month.
- Date
- Mar 01, 2016
- Brand :
- Ubisoft
- Client :
- Ubisoft
- Agency :
- BETC-Paris
- Client :
- Guillaume Carmona
- Client :
- Lionel Hiller
- Client :
- Pierre Miazga
- Client :
- Alexandre Guenounou
- Client :
- Guillaume Apesteguy
- Agency Management :
- Jean-Charles Caboche
- Agency Management :
- Tiphaine du Plessis
- Agency Management :
- Eugnie Valletoux
- Agency Management :
- Maxime Huyghe
- Agency Management :
- Michael Korsec
- Agency Management :
- Damien Clanet
- Executive Creative Director/Production :
- Stphane Xiberras
- Creative Director :
- Christophe Clapier
- Creative Director :
- Ivan Beczkowski
- Art Director :
- Vincent Blachre
- Art Director :
- Raphal Perrollier
- Copywriter :
- Adrien Hron
- Copywriter :
- Alban Gallee
- Copywriter :
- Simon Lamasa
- Creative Technologist :
- Thibault Dargeou
- Creative Technologist :
- Frederic Petitpont
- Creative Technologist :
- Alexis Galbourdin
- Lead Developer :
- Nicolas Barradeau
- Strategic Planning :
- Kevin Hutchings
- Production :
- Make Me Pulse
- Production :
- David Ronai
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