This Cisco Billboard Changes Messages Depending on Traffic Conditions

Goodby Changes the Face of Outdoor

Published On
May 12, 2014
Connected Billboard

Editor's Pick

Cisco is a big believer in the "Internet of Everything," so it's putting its money where its mouth is with this incredible billboard on Rt. 101 near San Francisco's International Airport that changes messaging depending on traffic conditions.

Created by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, the company debuted the outdoor in time for Cisco Live, its largest B-to-B event this year that begins May 18 in San Francisco.

The billboard, which was static until today, delivers a message depending on how fast someone is driving. There are four speed ranges. If someone is going under 22 miles an hour, they see a message saying: "The Internet of Everything is changing this billboard based on your speed. So you see only what you have time to read. Sorry about the slow going." The faster you're going, the shorter the message is.

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