If dancers were a pint of Guinness, this is what they'd look like
Balletic film by AMV BBDO will run in Asian markets
Editor's Pick
There's something magical about the pouring of a pint of Guinness, and now the brand brings that to life in a stunningly choreographed ad for the Asian market.
AMV BBDO's film dramatizes what the brand describs as the "pour, surge and settle" process of serving a pint of Guinness, with a balletic sequence. Dancers in dark flowing costumes interpret the movement of the liquid as it hits the side of the glass and explodes into life. They and the actual Guiness finally merge into the iconic black and white pint. Directorial duo In/Out helmed the spot via Riff Raff Films, while the amazing choreography is by the well-known director and choreographer Supple Nam.
The ad will run in Korea, China and Singapore across online and TV for six months.
- Date
- Jul 25, 2018
- Audio Post Production :
- Factory
- Audio Post Production :
- Anthony Moore
- Business Affairs :
- Maxine Thompson
- Post Production Company :
- Exec Producer :
- Matt Fone
- Exec Producer :
- Natalie Arnett
- Producer :
- Tom Knight
- Director :
- in/out
- Production Company :
- Riff Raff
- Senior Assistant Producer :
- Nikki Holbrow
- Exec Producer :
- Yvonne Chalkley
- Senior Account Director :
- Georgia McClean
- Board Account Director :
- Tessa Brisbane
- Board Account Director :
- James Drummond
- Chairman :
- Michael Pring
- Agency Planner :
- Lisa Stoney
- Agency Planner :
- David Edwards
- Art Director :
- Nadja Lossgott
- Copywriter :
- Nicholas Hulley
- Creative Director :
- Martin Loraine
- Creative Director :
- Steve Jones
- Global Marketing Manager :
- Sorcha NiChleirigh
- Global Content and Innovation Director :
- Gavin Grenski
- Agency :
- Brand :
- Guinness Asia
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