Lions Gate Films : The Descent

The new horror film The Descent, which has been getting mostly raves, deserves no less than that for its poster, the work of Art Machine (

Published On
Aug 08, 2006
The Descent

Editor's Pick

The new horror film The Descent, which has been getting mostly raves, deserves no less than that for its poster, the work of Art Machine (, a West Coast agency that specializes in print for the entertainment industry. As Dali connoisseurs will know, the image is an homage to a 1951 Philippe Halsman photograph called "Dali Skull" (click here for that). While there's no Pilobolus-like human structure in the film, "a lot of its horrific moments reminded us of birth


Aug 08, 2006
Photographer :
Peter Tangen
Client :
Lions Gate Films
Agency :
Art Machine
Brand :
Lions Gate Films

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