Pedigree Adoption Drive : Donation Glasses - Unrescued

Your choice determined the dog's fate.

Published On
May 15, 2012

Editor's Pick

Colenso BBDO hought up this innovative interactive way to increase the public's interest in New Zealand's Pedigree Adoption Drive, the brand's global effort to rescue put up for adoption abandoned dogs.

Cinemagoers picked one of two types of glasses: Yellow, if they chose to donate, and red, if they didn't. Director Nic Finlayson shot two parallel stories, one showing a dog that was lucky enough to have been rescued, and the other showing the same one -- who just wasn't that fortunate. Partnering with production company Finch, the agency used 3D cinema technology to project both films on the same screen, so those who donated would see the benefits of their charity, while the others would probably cry a little and end up donating anyway.


May 16, 2012
Brand :
Pedigree Adoption Drive
Client :
Pedigree Adoption Drive
Agency :
Chairperson :
Nick Worthington
Creative Director :
Levi Slavin
Art Director :
Jae Morrison
Copywriter :
Levi Slavin
Agency Producer :
Jen Storey
Production Company :
Producer :
Phil Liefting
Director :
Nic Finlayson
Executive Producer :
Rob Galluzzo
Sound Design :
Franklin Rd.
Creative Technology :
Emad Tahtouh
Editor :
David Coulson
Music :
Mushroom Records

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