An Ice- and Water-Free Ice Bucket Challenge? Yes. (Stop Wasting Water, People!)

Donate Money, But Use an Empty Bucket, Says Rio Agency NBS

Published On
Sep 09, 2014

Editor's Pick

Sick of the Ice Bucket Challenge and ready for it to be over? We totally understand, but here's a new twist from a Brazilian agency that's worth your attention. It highlights one of Brazil's own serious problems, the horrendous drought and lack of usable water that is a life-and-death issue in the huge, poor northeast region and has even recently become alarming in Sao Paulo, Brazil's richest state.

This campaign by Rio de Janeiro shop NBS and its environmental client OndAzul calls out the Ice Bucket Challenge for wasting water, then encourages Brazilians to do it with an empty bucket and send ALS money. Who better to call out the much-hyped charity effort than an agency whose name stands for No Bull Shit? And that opened an office in a Rio slum?

At, NBS asks "How much water has the Ice Bucket Challenge wasted?" Answer: a guesstimated 19 million liters. That's 63 million glasses of water, or 420,000 five-minute showers, the site calculates. There are also United Nations stats like this one: Two million people die every year around the world due to lack of safe water and basic sanitation.

Drought-conscious Brazilians are enthusiastically uploading videos, like the one above, of themselves pretending to empty buckets over their heads while calling on friends to do the same along with donating to ALS.


Sep 09, 2014
Brand :
Client :
Agency :
NBS-Rio de Janeiro
Creative Vice President :
Andre Lima
National Creative Director :
Carlos Andre Eyer
Creative Director :
Eduardo Almeida
Creative Director :
Carlos Andre Eyer
Creative Director :
Andre Lima
Creative :
Bob Ferraz
Creative :
Joao Resende
Creative :
Luis Cesar Faria
Account :
Claudia Horta
Account :
Marina Gouvea
Account :
Larissa Ximenes
Creative Planner :
Paula Lagrotta
Creative Planner :
Joelma Valverde
Media :
Fatima Rendeiro
Media :
Leonardo Carrilho
Media :
Priscilla Menezes
Project Team :
Teca Vilaça
Project Team :
Miguel Pacheco
Project Team :
Bruno Chaves
Project Team :
Rodrigo Castro
Public Relations :
Marilena Senra
Producer :
Andrea Metzker

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