Make An Extra Sandwich For A Homeless Person, Says Swedish Non Profit

Campaign encourages people to donate time, not money, to homelessness

Published On
Jun 03, 2013
An Extra Sandwich

Editor's Pick

To show that money isn't needed to make a difference, Swedish non-profit organization Soup Kitchen Stockholm is handing out printed sandwich wrappers to commuters carrying the message "We don't want your dough. But we want your bread." The campaign, by Pool, encourages people to make an extra sandwich, wrap it, and give it to a homeless person, with the aim that they get involved in the issue of homelessness, and break down prejudice by spending five minutes talking to homeless people. On the campaign site , participants are encouraged to share their sandwiches with the hashtag #extramacka (An extra sandwich).


Jun 04, 2013
Brand :
Soup Kitchen Stockholm
Client :
Soup Kitchen Stockholm
Agency :
Copywriter :
Ulf Rnnbck
Art Director :
Johan Gustafsson
Print Producer :
Silkscreen i Solna

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