After the Florida School Shooting, The Boston Globe Says, 'We Know What Will Happen Next'
Columnist Nestor Ramos Makes Frustrated Plea
Editor's Pick
The Boston Globe devotes most of its front page today to a bleak commentary by columnist Nestor Ramos headlined "We Know What Will Happen Next." The subhead of the piece reads, "Parkland. Las Vegas. Sutherland Springs. Newtown. On and on: In America, mass shootings have become so familiar that they seem to follow the same sad script." Ramos then runs through that script. His commentary begins,
He will be a man, or maybe still a boy.
He will have a semiautomatic rifle--an AR-15, or something like it--and several high-capacity magazines filled with ammunition.
The weapon will have been purchased legally, the background check no obstacle.
He will walk into a school, or a concert, or an office building.
And he will open fire into a crowd of innocents.
Further down in the piece Ramos writes, "Any promises will be broken. Beyond the shattered orbit of the school or church or concert that became a shooting gallery, the whole thing will recede too soon into memory. And then it will all happen again."
Read the whole commentary here.
On Twitter, Ramos added a brief side commentary about his commentary: "I hope I'm wrong. Prove me wrong. Please."
- Date
- Feb 16, 2018
- Brand :
- The Boston Globe
- Client :
- The Boston Globe
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