Studio G : Gmail Tap

Google launches Morse Code for the digital age.

Published On
Apr 01, 2012

Editor's Pick

Forget keyboards, Google wunderkind, Reed Morse, a great-great grandsomething of Morse Code inventor Samuel F.B. Morse, has brought his ancestor's invention to the digital age with Gmail Tap. Tap replaces the default keyboard in the Gmail app with just two keys through which every letter in the alphabet can be "tapped out."

The app also allows you to split your screen and send two emails at once--virtually doubling your communication speed and making it faster than talking. "Gmail tap multitasking is an improvement over speech," David Brook, VP Communication Services says in the video. "You can say two things with your fingers that your mouth can only say one of." Make sure to watch the video all the way through to hear the sage advice of product lead Todd Smith, who for some reason looks incredibly familiar. The video was released on March 31.


Apr 02, 2012
Agency :
Studio G
Production Company :
Studio G
Writer/Director :
Jonathan Zames
Director, Photography :
Jesse Eisenhardt
Editor :
Alex Woolfson
Editor :
Kevin Murray
Product Marketing Director :
Brett Crosby
Product Marketing Manager :
Peter Harbison
Technical Coordinator :
Mick Brin
Music :
Headquarters Music

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